

ADMHAIL AR GCREIDIMH Chrīsdaidhe and so, an mhēid atāmaoid san oilēn-sa darab comh- ainm crīch álaind fhér-uaine oirear-ghlan Alban, do tslighidh tsoisgēil naomhtha bhendaighthe ar n- Airdrī agas ar n-Impire, neoch atá agas do bhí agas bhīas, agas atána aon-Dia agasna thrī pearsan- daibh .i. an t-Athair trén trōcuireach agas an Mac maiseach mór-chumhachtach mīrbhuileach agas an Sbiorad neartmhar nós-oirrdheirc niamh-ghlan naomh. /

CREIDIM AGAS ADBHUIM gurab é an t-aon-nDia mōr-chumhachtach sin, atá agas do bhī agas bhīas bith-bheō do ghnāth, nach bfētar do mheas do bhreath- nughadh dfhaicsin go corparrdha, do chum agas do chruthaidh neamh gona naomh-ainglibh rēna ghliocas agas rēna chumhachtaibh diadha, agas talamh gona thorrthaibh agas gona thurchurthuibh, agas ifreand gona il-phianaibh, agas an fhairrge gona h-ingantaibh, agas an fhirmaimint gona rēllandaibh, agas gach oile bfhuil eidir thalamh agas aiēr, agas do-rinde gach dhībh sin agas mōrān oile nach ēidir leam dhāireamh dfhaisenēis do neifnī, agas do chruthaidh an duine do rēir a fhiodhrach féin do chum ghlōire agas onōra do thabhairt do Dhia; agas h-ē sin amhāin acht atā ag dīdean agas ag neartughadh gach neithe dār chruthaidh / freastal agas toil an Athar do rēir a thoile agas a throm-aonta.

[I believe and confess my Lord God eternal, infinite, immeasurable, incomprehensible, and invisible, one in substance, and three in person, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who, by his almighty power and wisdom, has not only of nothing created heaven, earth, and all things therein contained, and man after his own image, that he might in him be glorified; but also by his fatherly providence, governs, maintains, and preserves the same, according to the purpose of his will.]

Creidim fós agas adbhuim Iosa Crísd an t-aon-tSlānaigh- thōir agas an Messias, neoch do bhī a gcothrom chumhachta Dia féin; [] h-ē amhāin gur lór leis bheith gan inmhe [inmhé] , acht do ghabh fioghair tsearbhōntaigh uime, as go mbeith cosmhuil rinde in gach ēn- a bfēgmhais peacaidh amhāin,

[15] do dhaingniughadh a thrōcaire indaind, agas do thabhairt mhaithfeachais dūind ō Dhia. An uair frīth sind inar gcloind mhallaidhe do bhrīdh tseachrāin ar n-athar Adhaimh, raibhe slighe oile againd do-bhéradh sind ō chuing pheacaidh agas dhamnaidh acht Iosa buidh Nasarrdha dfhulang pháise agas phéine ar son ar ndīmhaoinis-ne .i. an roba leis ō nádūir do-rinde eland dhīleas do Dhia dhīnde; agas an uair fós bhudh choimhlīonta an aimsear do geineadh é ō chumhachtaibh an Spioraid Naoimh, agas rugadh é Muire Oigh [óigh] do rēir fheōla, agas do nocht sa saoghal soisgēl an t-slānaidhe gur damnadh é [è] / fa dheōidh námhadas agas droch-mhēin na sagart, an uair do bhī Poindsius Pilatusna bhreitheamh a gcrīch na n-Iodhbhal, agas an uair do crochadh é féin mar ghadaidhe eidir dhias [dhiás] gaduigheadh.

[I believe also and confess Jesus Christ the only Saviour and Messiah, who being equal with God, made himself of no reputation, but took on him the shape of a servant, and became man in all things like unto us (except sin), to assure us of mercy and forgiveness. For when through our father Adam's transgression we were become children of perdition, there was no means to bring us from that yoke of sin and damnation, but only Jesus Christ our Lord: who giving us that by grace, which was his by nature, made us (through faith) the children of God: who when the fullness of time was come, was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary (according to the flesh), and preached on earth the gospel of salvation, till at length, by tyranny of the priests, he was guiltless condemned under Pontius Pilate, then president of Jewry, and most slanderously hanged on the cross betwixt two thieves as a notorious trespasser, where taking upon him the punishment of our sins, he delivered us from the curse of the Law.]

Is truagh agas is tuctha dhúinne dār n-aire mar dho bhī Mac Rīgh neimhe agas naomh-thalmhan ag fulang dhochair agas dhīghaltais ar son ar bpeacaidh-ne: in mhēid agas go raibhe na Dhia nīrbh ēidir leis bás dfhulang, agas mbeith na dhuine dēn-chuid nīrbh fhēidir leis bheith a n-uachtar ar an mbás, agas ar an adhbhar-sin do cheangail a dhaondacht agas a dhiadhacht a bfochair agas a bfarradh a chēile, do chum go bfuileōnadh pian [pián] agas páis do thaobh a dhaondachta, agas bás truagh triblōideach do-fhuilaing do chosg fheirge agas a throim-dhīghaltais do tsīol Adhaimh agas Ebha [ébha] , amhail do bheith a n-ifreand ag fulang phēine agas pheandaide; is uime sin do rāidh do ghuth ard, ‘A Dhé na n-uile chumhacht, crēd tug dom thrēigean marso?’ thoil féin / agas do mhian trōcaire do dhēnamh, agas gan ēigeantus ōn Athair ón Spirad Naomh air, do thiodhluic é féin daon-iodhbairt ar son peacaidh an t-saoghail uile do sgris. Agas is in-tuicthe dúinne as so gach iodhbuirt eile ndēnaid na daoine do-bherid uathadh ar son peacaidh, gurab olc ndēnamh iad agas go bfuilid ag tabhairt sgandaile do pháis Crīsd agas ag buain a h-onōra dhī, agas gur lór an bás-sin ar Slānaidhthōir do dhēnamh ar sīothchāna Dia. Acht cheana, labhraidh an sgriobhtūir go minic ar n-aithbhreith do bheith a n-eisēirghe Chriosd; ōir rēna eisēirghe ōn uaidh ar an treas tráth do ghabh neart

[16] agas cumhachta ar an mbás. Marsin ata uachtarānacht agas inmhe ar gcreidimh go comhlān ina [iná] eisēirghe, agas uime sin a bfēgmhuis an choda nach ēidir lind brídh tābhacht na coda eile do mhothughadh; ōir mar do h-indarbadh an peacadh rēna bhás, is mar sin fuaramair-ne fīrēntacht go foirfe rēna eisēirghe.

[And forasmuch as he, being only God, could not feel death; neither, being only man, could overcome death, he joined both together, and suffered his humanity to be punished with most cruel death: feeling in himself the anger and severe judgment of God, even as if he had been in the extreme torments of hell, and therefore cried with a loud voice, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Thus of his free mercy, without compulsion, he offered up himself as the only sacrifice to purge the sins of all the world, so that all other sacrifices for sin are blasphemous and derogate from the sufficiency hereof. The which death, albeit it did sufficiently reconcile us to God; yet the scriptures commonly do attribute our regeneration to his resurrection; for as by rising again from the grave the third day, he conquered death, even so the victory of our faith stands in his resurrection, and therefore without the one, we cannot feel the benefit of the other: For as by death, sin was taken away, so our righteousness was restored by his resurrection.]

Agas do-rindena dhiaidh- /sin gach ēn- do choimh- līnadh agas sealbh do ghabhāil dúinne ina [iná] rīoghacht ro- ghlōrmhuir féin. Do-chuaidh suas ar neamh na naomh agas na n-archaingeal iar sin, do mhéadughadh agas do mhōr-onōrughadh na rīoghachta ro-bhuaine sin cumhach- taibh a sbiruide; agas is creite dúinne go deimhin go bfuil sa sosadh sioth-bhuan sin, ag dēnamh ghnāth-ghuidhe Dhia go dūthrachtach ar ar soin-ne. Agas ar neamh nōs-oirrdheirc go corparrdha san ionadh-sin ar chuir an t-Athair trōcaireach ar a dheas-lāimh é, ar dtabhairt chumais ar gach bfuil ar neamh agas ar talmhuin, atā maille rinde ó chumhachtaibh, agas biaidh go foirceand agas go fír-dheireadh an domhain, ag ar gcoimhēd agas ag ar gceartughadh agas ag ar riaghladh agas ag ar roi-dhīor- ghudhadh neart a chumhacht agas a chomh-ghrās. Oir an uair bhus coimhlīonta gach do labhair i mbēlaibh a fhāidheadh ō thosach dhomhain is andsan fhoirm agas andsan / fhīr-ghné [fhírgné catchword] agas andsa riocht tso-fhaicseana a ndeach- aidh suas thiucfas anuas do ridhise maille neart nach bfētar do mheas do mhōr-bhreathnughadh dhāireamh dhindisin, deidir-dhealachadh na n-uan ris na gabhruibh .i. deidir-dhealachadh na bfīrēn n-a gcontrardha .i. lucht an uilc; agas thēid ēn-neach mbia [mbiá] beó an uair-sin fuair bās roimhe-sin as ōna bhrāth-bhreitheamhnas.

[And because he would accomplish all things, and take possession for us in his kingdom, he ascended into heaven, to enlarge that same kingdom by the abundant power of his Spirit, by whom we are most assured of his continual intercession toward God the Father for us. And altogether he is in heaven, as touching his corporeal presence, where the Father has now set him on his right hand, committing unto him the administration of all things, as well in heaven above as in the earth beneath; yet is he present with us his members, even to end of the world, in preserving and governing us with his effectual power and grace, who (when all things are fulfilled which God has spoken by the mouth of all his prophets since the world began) will come in the same visible form in the which he ascended, with an unspeakable majesty, power, and company, to separate the lambs from the goats, the elect from the reprobate, so that none, whether he be alive then or dead before, shall escape his judgment.]

Creidim fós go fīrindeach an Sbirad Naomh do bheith a gcothrom chumhacht ris an Athair agas ris an Mac, neoch do- sinde dhaithbhreith agas do naomhadh, agas do- ar riaghladh go roi-dhīreach in gach uile fhīrinde, agas go bfuil dhearbhadh dhúinn inar gcoinsiasaibh gurab cland dhīleas do Dhia sind, agas gurab combrāithre carthanacha do Chrīsd sind, agas gurab comh-oidhreadha sind do chum na beathadh suthaine. Gidh eadh, lōr dhúinne a chreideamh

[17] go bfuil Dia na n-uile chumhacht trōcaireach, gur īoc Crīsd ar n-ēraic, go bfuil / a chumhachta a choimh- neart féin ag an Sbiorad Naomh, acht mur fhuaidheam agas mur fhīr-cheanglum sind féin go fīrindeach rēna thoil agas rēna throm-aitheantaibh diadha-san do chongbhāil, do rēir mar do thogh sindnar bpobal dīleas dingmhālta dhó féin.

[Moreover, I believe and confess the Holy Ghost, God equal with Father and the Son, who regenerates and sanctifies us, rules and guides us into all truth, persuading most assuredly in our consciences that we are the children of God, brethren to Jesus Christ, and fellow heirs with him of life everlasting. Yet notwithstanding it is not sufficient to believe that God is omnipotent and merciful; that Christ has made satisfaction; or, that the Holy Ghost has this power and effect, except we do apply the same benefits to ourselves which are God's elect.]

Creidim agas adbhuim fós go fīrindeach ēn-eagluis naomhtha nós-oirrdheirc do bheith and go h-uilidhe, neoch atāna ballaibh dīsle dingmhālta dIosa Crīsd, atāna cheand agasna chodhnach uirre go h-imlān, neoch atá a n-ēn- chreideamh Crīosdaidhe go cumpānta comh-aontadhach uile, a ndōchas agas a ngrādh, i ngēr-inmhuine agas a ngnāth- thioghluicthibh go teampurálta [teámpuralta] agas fós go spioratālta, tarbha agas trom-chumhdach na h-Eagluise-sin. Agas fhēadaid súile daoine an Eagluis-sin dfhaicsin, agas is aige atá a fios [afiós] go fīrindeach ag Dia na n-uile chumhacht, agas is amhlaidh atāid an mhuintear dār chum [chúm] agas dār chruthaidh an Eaglais niamh- /ghlan sin .i. cland tsaogh- alta tseachrānach Adhaimh, dream [dréam] dhīobh arna ndamnadh agas arna ndaoradh féin ngnīomharthuibh agas n- oibrighthibh neamh-dhingmhālta féin, agas dream eile dhīobh ag creideamh na h-Eagluise go h-imchubhaidh, do chum a slānaighthe thrócaire mhōr-ghrādhaidh-sean [throcairé mhor ghradhaidhséan] . Agas goirfidh an drong-sin adubhramar go dēigheanach do chum na beathadh bioth-bhuaine agas na glóire [gloiré] suthaine, do dhēnamh Eagluise gloine glōrmhuire dhó féin dīobh.

[I believe therefore and confess one holy church, which (as members of Jesus Christ, the only head thereof) consents in faith, hope, and charity, using the gifts of God, whether they are temporal or spiritual, to the profit and furtherance of the same. Which church is not seen to man's eye, but only known to God: who of the lost sons of Adam, has ordained some, as vessels of wrath, to damnation, and has chosen others, as vessels of his mercy, to be saved; the which also, in due time, he calls to integrity of life and godly conversation, to make them a glorious church to himself.]

Acht cheana, an Eagluis is ēidir dfhaicsin and, atāid trí comhtharraidh aice ar a n-aitheantar í. An cēd chomh- tharrdha dhīobh, briathra dīsle atā san t-Sein-tiumna agas sa Tiumna Nuaidh do chanamhain agas do cheart- labhra indte do ghnāth. Oir is iad na briathra sin fhoghnas dúine dār dteagasg in gach ēn-phonc bheanas slānughadh ar n-anmand go h-uilidhe, agas ar an [ara] adhbhur-sin atā dfhiachaibh ar gach aon fo [áon ] leith na briathra-sin agas na teagaisg dēis/deacht, agas do chomhall, agas do bheith ar cuimhnena gcroidheadhaibh. Agas adubhairt an Tighearna

[18] féin nach ēidir leis an Eagluis comhairle sdatūid én- phonc bheanas slānughadh ar n-anmand do tsuidhiughadh do chrīochnughadh, acht na briathra-sin amhāin.

[But that church which is visible, and seen to the eye, has three tokens, or marks, whereby it may be discerned. First, the word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments, which as it is above the authority of the same church, and only [alone] sufficient to instruct us in all things concerning salvation, so is it left for all degrees of men to read and understand. For without this word, neither church, council nor decree can establish any point touching salvation.]

An dara comharrdha dīobh, na Sacramuindte naomhtha niamh-ghlana, mar atā Sacramuint an Bhaisdidh agas Suipēr an Tighearna, neoch do fhāgaibh Crīosd againd sa saoghal mar chomharrdha naomhtha agas mar tsēla bheandaighthe ar an ngealladh tug dhúin, tar ēis bheith ar seachrān agas ar fógra [fógrá] dhúin tré pheacadh ar sindsear. Oir mar signuidh- fear sin ag gabhāil ar mbaisdidh chugaind, eidir óg as tsean, agar ngabhāil chuigena thionōl agasna theaghlach go toileamhail anoisagas frēmh don pheacadh a bfolach indaind, atá-san dhearbhadh dhúin nach aigeōradh sin ar an mhéid bhus maith bhus toghtha bhus ding- mhālta againdmar sin fós ata Sui/pēr an Tighearna agā fhoillsiughadh dhúinn nach iad ar gcuirp amhāin tsásas bheathaidheas Dia n-a fhreasdal aithreamhail, acht go sásand agas go mbeathuidheand ar n-anmanda go sbiora- tālta tiodhluicthibh agas trom-ghrāsaibh Iosa Crīosd, agas is de sin ghoireas an Sgriobhtūir ithe [ithé] a fheōla agas ól a fhola. Agas ag freasdal na Sacramuinte, dhlighmaoid seachrān saoghalta do leanmhuin, acht mar do ordaidh Crīosd féin dúinn [dùinn] ; agas is mar sin is cóir do na daoinibh is imchubhaidh do dhēnamh na h-oifige-sin go ladhamhail a [á] dēnamh agas h-ar chor eile [eilé] . Ar an adhbhur-sin [fin] , do- slēchtain ris na Sacramuintibh do thabhairt na h-onōra do dlighfidhe do thabhairt do Dhia [Dhiá] dhōibh, do-bheir tarcaisne dhāibh do ghnīomh do bhrēithir, ata gach neach ndēnand sin ag tuilleadh bhāis agas dhamnaidh féin.

[The second [mark] is the holy sacraments: to wit, of baptism and Lord's Supper; which sacraments Christ has left unto us as holy signs and seals of God's promises. For as by baptism once received, is signified that we (as well infants as others of age and discretion) being strangers from God by original sin, are received into his family and congregation, with full assurance, that although this root of sin lies hidden in us, yet to the elect it shall not be imputed; so the Supper declares, that God, as a most provident Father, does not only feed our bodies, but also spiritually nourishes our souls with the graces and benefits of Jesus Christ (which the scripture calls eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood). Neither must we, in the administration of these sacraments, follow man's fantasy, but as Christ himself has ordained, so must they be ministered; and by such as by ordinary vocation are thereunto called. Therefore, whosoever reserves and worships these sacraments, or contrariwise contemns them in time and place, procures to himself damnation.]

An treas comharrdha ar a n-aitheantar an Eagluis, cear- tughadh agas smacht agas reacht Eagluise do bheith / ar bun inte, darab ainm sa Laidin Disciplina Ecclesiastica[Diciplina] .i. smacht agas ceartughadh bheanas teagasg locht agas -bhēs, agas asé [asè] is crīoch agas deireadh do sin cūrsadh toil na h-Eagluise [Eagluisé] rabh fear na locht dūr do-theagaisg. Dlighidh an Eagluis tighearna uachtarān saoghalta do bheith uirre [virré] , darab comh-ainm sa Laidin Magistratus civilis,

[19] agas dlighidh an t-uachtarān-sin cothrum agas ceart do dhēnamh gach aon-duine, mar cādhas agas coimh- dhīdean do dhēnamh dona daoinibh maithe [maithé] , agas dīoghaltas do dhēnamh ar na droch-dhaoinibh; agas dlighidh an Eagluis umhla agas onóir do thabhairt do na h-uachtarān- aibh-sin in gach nach a n-adhaidh thoile [thoilé] aithne .

[The third mark of this church is ecclesiastical discipline, which stands in admonition and correction of faults. The final end whereof is excommunication, by the consent of the church determined, if the offender is obstinate. And besides this ecclesiastical censure, I acknowledge to belong to this church a political magistrate, who ministers to every man to every man justice, defending the good and punishing the evil; to whom we must render honour and obedience in all things, which are not contrary to the word of God.]

Mar do-rinde Maoise agas Ezechias agas Iosias agas mōrān do phriondsadhaibh oile [oilé] maith don Eagluis roimhe so [] , mar atā a niamhadh agas a nua-ghlanadh ó [ô] tsal agas ó tsalchar an fhuar-chreidimh, agas sgrios a dealbh agas a droch-eisimlāra, ar eagla go ndēndaois [ndendhaois] / daoine aineōlcha ainbfeasacha umhla dhōibh, ag tarcaisne ar an do chum agas do chruthaidh iad, is mar sin bheanas coimhēd agas ceartughadh agas dīdean na h-Eagluise Crīosdaidhe ris na h-uachtarānaibh Crīosdaidhe bhīos uirre a n-adhaidh lucht cumhdaigh agas comh-onōraidh na n-Iodhbhal neamh- chosmhail, agas na ndaoine ndroch-chreidmheach, agas a gcosmhuileas eile [eilé] do bhallaibh an Aindtecriosd, do tharraing as a bfrēmhaibh gach reacht agas gach teagasg foirfe [foirfé] fīrin- deach dār fhāgaibh an Spiorad Naomh againd, agas do cheangail agas do chomh-fhuaidhna n-āitibh-sin againd an t-aifreand Pāpānach gan bhrīodh ina bhriathruibh, agas guidhe na naomh agas na mban-naomh, agas guidhe ar anmandaibh na marbh, agas deifirens agas dealachadh eidir bhiadhaibh a laithibh seach laithibh eile [eilé] , agas neamh- ionandtas ēdaigh earraidh, agas mōid geanmnuidheachta [geanmnuidheachtha] gan a comhall, agas seirbhīs īodhalta, agas dōchas dīmhaoi- neach [dimhaonieach] do / dhēnamh a crēatūiribh agas as ar smuaintighibh neamh-ghlana féin. Agas is minic do-bheir Dia [Diá] cairde agas síneadh do lucht na n-olc-sa, gan dīoghaltas ro-throm do dhēnamh orra sa saoghal; gidh eadh, an uair thiucfas an ēirghe ghenerālta .i. an uair do-níd ar n-anmanda agas ar gcuirp ēirghe do chum na beathadh suthaine, daingnithear and sin lucht na n-olc-sa a dteintibh luath-lasracha lāin-ndearga nach bfētar do mhūchadh do mhōr-bhāthadh. Agasna dhiaidh-sin, gach drong againde dār lean Dia [léan Diá] na dheagh-

[20] oibrighthibh agas do tseachain an gliocas daonda sin, cluin- feam gan chundtabhairt an bhriathair bhuan-tarbhach tsubhach fhorbhfhāilidh-se rādha .i. ‘Tigidh, a lucht na mbeandacht, dom lāimh dheis, agas gabhaidh an rīoghacht ro-ghlórmhar atá arna h-ullmhughadh ō thosach dhomhain ōm Athair.’ Agas gluaisfeam [gluaisfém] marsin maille ris go ngair- deachas n-adhbhal ndo-fhaisnéise [fhaisneisé] nach bfētar do ríomh do ro-āireamh, agas racham eidir chorp agas anmain do dhē/namh chomhnaidhe ina [iná] fhochair i nglōir tsuthain, mar a bfaicfeam Dia [Diá] gnúis fri gnúis agas adhaidh fri [frí (thrice)] h-adhaidh agas dreach fri [frí (thrice). ] dreich, agas bhia [nibía] feidhm ar theagasg againd ō sin suas óir biaidh ar dteagasg ar an Athair thrén thrōcaireach maille [maillé] ris an Mac mīorbhuileach agas ris an Spiorad neartmhar Naomh, moltar gach uile dhūil maille [maillé] h-onōir agas glōir tré bhioth sīor. Bīodh amhlaidh.

[And as Moses, Hezekiah, Josiah, and godly rulers purged the church of God from superstition and idolatry, so the defence of Christ's church appertains to the Christian magistrates, against all idolaters and heretics, as Papists, Anabaptists, with suchlike limbs of Antichrist, to root out all doctrine of devils and men, as the Mass, Purgatory, Limbus Patrum, prayer to saints, and for the dead; freewill, distinction of meats, apparel, and days; vows of single life, presence at idol service, man's merits, with suchlike, which draw us from the society of Christ's church ­ wherein stands only [alone] remission of sins, purchased by Christ's blood to all them that believe, whether they are Jews or Gentiles ­ and lead us to vain confidence in creatures, and trust in our own imaginations. The punishment whereof, although God oftentimes differs in this life, yet after the general resurrection, when our souls and bodies shall rise again to immortality, they shall be damned to unquenchable fire; and then we which have forsaken all man's wisdom to cleave unto Christ, shall hear that joyful voice, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit ye the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world, and so shall go triumphing with him in body and soul, to remain in glory everlasting, where we shall see God face to face, and shall no more need one to instruct another; for we shall all know him, from the highest to the lowest: To whom, with the Son and the Holy Ghost, be all praise, honour, and glory, now and ever. So be it.]

titleAdhmhail an Chreidimh
internal date1567.0
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publication date1970
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