


agas dtogha and so sīos.

Dlighid na foirfidhe bheithna ndaoinibh diadha deigh- bheathadh, agas gan adhbhar amharais do bheith orra, agas cūram an tréda ó [ô] ghliocas do bheith orra, agas a gceand gach uile neithe [uilé neithé] eagla Dhé go mōr do bheith orra. Agas así so a n-oifige: bheith ag riaghladh agas ag sdiūradh agas ag cear- tughadh agas ag ordughadh gach neithe bheanas sdaid mhaith na h-Eagluise maille [Heagluisé maillé] ris na minisdribh. Agas asé dealughadh atá eidir siad [siád] agas na minisdrighe, nach dēnaid na foirfidhe searmōin freasdal na sacramuinte. Ag cruin- diughadh dona poibleachaibh fhēdaid na foirfidhe én- do dhēnamh a bfēgmhuis na minisdreadh.

Agas rabh uireasbhuidh ar āireamh / ar uibhir na bfoirfidheach dlighidh an minisdir, maille [maillé] rēsún agas toil chāich, sin do nochtadh don phobal, agas togha mhaith do dhēnamh ar na daoinibh bhus imchubhaidh do chur ina [iná] n-āit mar orduighthear na minisdrighe do thogha do rēir a gcáile [á agcáile] féin.

[The elders must be men of good life and godly conversation, without blame and all suspicion; careful for the flock, wise, and, above all things, fearing God: whose office stands in governing with the rest of the ministers, in consulting, admonishing, correcting, and ordering all things appertaining to the state of the congregation. And they differ from the ministers, in that they preach not the word, nor minister the sacraments. In assembling the people, neither they without the ministers, nor the ministers without them, may attempt anything. And if any of the just number want, the minister, by the consent of the rest, warns the people thereof, and finally admonishes them to observe the same order which was used in choosing the ministers.]

titleDona Foirfidheachaibh agas da n-Oifige
internal date1567.0
display date1567
publication date1970
reference template

Carswell %L

parent textFoirm na n-urrnuidheadh
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