agas dā dtogha and so síos.
Dlighid na deocháin bheith ina [iná] ndaoinibh maithe [maithé] mōr- chrāibhtheacha dearbhtha deagh-choingheallacha grádhacha ghnāth-umhla, agas coinghill mhaithe iondraca do bheith iondta [iondtá] mar orduidheas an t-easpul naomhtha Pól. Agas así [ási] so an oifige agas an obair dhligheas siad do dhēnamh: dēirc do thinōl agas do thiumsughadh go dītheallach, agas do roind ar na bo/chtaibh go h-umhal indruic maille ré toil na Minisdreadh agas na bFoirfidheach, agas freasdal agas fritheōlamh do dhēnamh ar na daoinibh anbfanda easlāna uireasbhadhacha ēgcruaidhe, ar eagla go gcaithfidhe daon- dacht na ndaoine maith [maithe] ré daoinibh dimhaoineacha nō ré ruagairibh.
Agas is amhlaidh is cóir a dtogha mar adubhramar na Minisdridhe agas na Foirfighe do thogha, iad-san [iádsan] do thogha ina gcáil agas ina [iná] gcumhachtaibh féin dā rēir sin.
[The deacons must be men of good estimation and report, discreet, of good conscience; charitable, wise, and finally adorned with such virtues as St. Paul requires in them. Their office is to gather the alms diligently, and faithfully to distribute them, with the consent of the ministers and elders; also to provide for the sick and impotent persons; having ever a diligent care, that the charity of godly men be not wasted upon loiterers and idle vagabonds. Their election is, as has been before rehearsed in the ministers and elders.]
Dlighid fós na Minisdrighe agas na Deochāin agas an coimhthinōl go h-uilidhe dul a gceand a chéile a n-ēn-ionadh gacha Dar-daoin do cheartughadh gacha lochta agas gacha h-ainmēine bhias [bhiás] eidir na poibleachaibh, agas nī h-é sin amháin acht do cheartughadh na locht bhias [bhiás] eatorra féin, ar eagla a mbeith ciontach sa locht a n-aigeōradh Crīosd ar Slānuighthóir na Phairisidh, neoch ré bfaicthear an dadamh a sūil a chumpānaigh agas nach bfaiceand craobh mhōr ina tsūilibh féin.
[To the intent that the ministry of God's word may be had in reverence, and not brought to contempt through the evil conversation of such as are called thereunto, and also that faults and vices may not by long sufferance grow at length to extreme inconveniences; it is ordained that every Thursday the ministers and elders, in their assembly or consistory, diligently examine all such faults and suspicions as may be espied, not only amongst others, but chiefly amongst themselves, lest they seem to be culpable of that which our Saviour Christ reproved in the Pharisees, who could espy a mote in another man's eye, and could not see a beam in their own.]
Agas mar / dhligheas an t-sūil a bheith nī is gloine iná gach ball eile do bhallaibh an chuirp, nī h-ēidir leis an minis- dir én-bhall salach do bheith air, agas dā rabh, is sgandail mhōr d’Eagluis Dé sin do bheith air, ōir is teachtaire do Dhia é. Agas ar an adhbhar-sin, dá bfaghthar na lochta-sa go h-āiridhe sa minisdir, dlighthear a chur as a inmhe agas as a oifige. Agas asiad na lochta sin féin: droch-chreideamh saobh seachrānach, agas siosma, agas sgandail, agas eitheach, agas siurtuidheacht, agas goid, agas meisge [méisge] , [agas] trodan, agas imbeirt.
[And because the eye ought to be more clear than the rest of the body, the minister may not be spotted with any vice, but to the great slander of God's word, whose message he bears: therefore it is to be understood that there are certain faults, which if they be deprehended in a minister, he ought to be deposed: as heresy, Papistry, schism, blasphemy, perjury, fornication, theft, drunkenness, usury, fighting, unlawful games, with suchlike.]
Ataid lochta eile so-fhulaing and, mās ēidir an minisdir do thabhairt tar a ais uatha maille ré teagasg brāithreamhail; agas asiad so na lochta-sin: nós neamh-chosmhail ’na tsear- mōin; ceasda uallcha dīmhaoineacha d’fhiarfuidhe; neamh- chūram sduidēir agas teagasg ētrom; eisimlāir bhrēgach; ithimrādh minic; briathra meara; neimh-chindteacht a ngibluibh nō a ngabhāil [no na ngabhail] nō a n-ámhaille eile. Oir mar tāid so toirmisge dā / gach én-duine [énduinne] , is marsin nach dleaghar a bfuland isin duine dara cóir bheith ina fhear teagaisg dona poibleachaibh agas ag tabhairt deagh-eisimlāra dhōibh, muna dhearna sé aithridhe, agas teagasg cāich do ghabhāil ar a lochtaibh do thrēigean.
[Others are more tolerable, if so be that after brotherly admonition he amends his fault: as strange and unprofitable fashion in preaching the scriptures; curiosity in seeking vain questions; negligence, as well in his sermons, and in studying the scriptures, as in all other things concerning his vocation; scurrility, flattering, lying, backbiting, wanton words, deceit, covetousness, taunting, dissolution in apparel, gesture, and his other doings; which vices, as they are odious in all men, so in him that ought to be as an example to others of perfection, in no wise are to be suffered; especially, if [it] so be that, according to God's rule, being brotherly advertised, he acknowledge not his fault and amend.]
title | Dona Deochanaibh agas da n-Oifige |
internal date | 1567.0 |
display date | 1567 |
publication date | 1970 |
level | |
reference template | Carswell %L |
parent text | Foirm na n-urrnuidheadh |