

STAD Calum Iain MacAsgaill aig àireamh a ceithir Park Circus is choimhead e gu mionaideach air na h-ainmean a bha air an gràbhaladh air pleitichean pràise air abhalla. Nuair a chunnaic e na litricheanITR, chuir e a chorrag air putan rin taobh. Chuala e brag is thàinig guth boireann a-mach às sgàil mheatailteach a bha làimh ris na h-ainmean.
Hello? ”thuirt an guth.
Hello, ”thuirt MacAsgaill.
State your business, ”thuirt an guth.
Chrùb MacAsgaill sìos agus chuir e a bheul faisg air an sgàil. “Id like to make a complaint. Im here to seeto make a complaint about, to register a complaint with regard to. .. to low wages in television.”
Whats the name? ”thuirt an guth.
I dont know, ”thuirt MacAsgaill. “Anybody would.”
Sir, ”thuirt an guth boireann gu searbh, “what is your name?”
Malcolm John MacAskill, ”thuirt an guth, “its half past four, Friday. Why dont you come back Monday morning?”
No, ”thuirt MacAsgaill. “You listen to me. Im going to Harris tomorrow and I cant make it on Monday. Or any other day. ”Dhèirich fearg air agus theann e air èigheach. “Itll be a cold day in hell, ”thuirt e, “before I ever come back to this toilet of a town.”
Sir, ”thuirt an guth gu fiadhaich. “Get away from that door this minute. If you dont clear off, Im sending for security. ”
Bha an cuthach tioram air MacAsgaill. Bha e -chomhartail na ghurraban acagarsaich ri pleit mheatailteach is an latha geal ann. “Thats great, ”thuirt e. “Thats really great. Securityll back up my story. The one

[120] I ’m going to the newspapers with.” Bho oir a shùla chunnaic e rudeigin no cuideigin agluasad air cabhsair na sràide shìos fodha. Bha nighean òg mu aois naoi bliadhna adol na gadan agàireachdaich is i asealltainn suas ris. Chuir MacAsgaill a thòn rithe agus thòisich e air burralaich. “Look, lady, ”thuirt e, “Ive told you who I amMalcolm John MacAskill, Seventeen Nua Ard, Isle of Harris. Ive got official business with the Independant Television Registry. Im making a legitimate complaint against the franchise holder for southern Scotland. Ive got a real grievance against Albion Television. You know how much they paid me for last Friday? For three television programmes I recorded for them in Fort William? Never mind. The press boysll be interested. And Im going to tell them that the ITR wouldnt even let me past the door. ”And Im going to tell them that the ITR wouldnt even let me past the door. ”Thug e sglais dhan sgàil le bhois agus chaith e smugaid air leac an dorais. Thionndaidh e gu falbh.
Aig acheart àm thàinig sgreuch a-mach à bogsa an fhuaim. Chrom e sìos agus chuir e a chluas ris na tuill a bha anns amheatailt.
Mr MacAskill? ”thuirt guth, aguss e fireannach a bha abruidhinn an turas seo.
Yes? ”thuirt MacAsgaill.
Mr Traynor will see you, ”thuirt an guth. “Wait one moment, please.”
Rinn teanga na glaise glag ìseal. Choimhead MacAsgaill suas dha na speuran, a bha a-nis afàs dorcha, sheas e an àird agus tharraing e anail. “Bha an t-àm agaibh, a chlann an Diabhail,” thuirt e ann an guth ìseal. Le aon chorrag phut e doras anITRfosgailte agus choisich e a-steach.

titleA Naoi Deug
internal date1996.0
display date1996
publication date1996
parent textCùmhnantan
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