labhrus so feasda, agas dona coingheallaibh dhligheas siad do bheith iondta.
Dēnadh an Eagluis togha mhaith ar mhinisdir ar nach bí toirmeasg nō bacāil do rēir an easbuil Póil: agas is amh- laidh so orduidheas Pól dōibh, deagh-choinghill agas deigh- bhēsa maithe indraca in-mholta [inmholtha] do bheith indta as go madh ēidir leō cūram a n-oifige do ghabhāil chuca, agas tar ēis an chūraim-sin do ghabhāil orra a n-obair agas a n-oifige do dhēnamh go maith neamh-easbhadhach. In dara nī, briathra Dé do theagasg agas do chur a gcēill go fīrindeach dona poibleachaibh, agas freasdal na sacramuindte go glan ding- mhālta, agas cūram agas deithneas / do dhēnamh do ghnāth [go ghnath] fā theagasg an trēda agas an phobail, agas nī go follas amhāin acht ós īseal, agas a chur a gcēill dōibh gach nī dob fhearr agas dob ion-mholta do dhēnamh agas is mó do rachadh a dtarbha da n-anmandaibh, agas mar an gcēdna na neithe saobha do tseachna. Oir dā ndeachadh ēn-ní do dhīth nō dh’uireasbhuidh a theagaisg nō a bhuachailleachta ar an trēd nō ar an phobal is ar an ministir aigeōras Dia [Diá] fā dheōidh é.
[First, let the church diligently consider that the minister which is to be chosen be not found culpable of any such faults which St. Paul reprehends in a man of that vocation, but contrariwise endowed with such virtues, that he may be able to undertake his charge, and diligently execute the same. Secondly, that he distribute faithfully the word of God, and minister the sacraments sincerely, ever careful not only to teach his flock publicly, but also privately to admonish them; remembering always, that if any thing perish through his default, the Lord will require it at his hands.]
Is murso is cóir gach ministir agas gach buachaill eagluise do thogha ar tús a n-Eagluis Dé: an uair bhias [bhiás] díth nō uireasbhuidh ministir ar an eagluis féchadh na ministrighe ré mbeanand cúram agas commōradh na h-Eagluise [Heagluisé] , agas na daoine foirfe [daoíne foirfé] fír-eagnaidhe ar an adhbhar ministir bhus cuibhdhe agas bhus cosmhula bhias [bhiás] and, agas rēna gcos- mhala seirbhīs Dé do dhēnamh go neamh-easbhadhach. Agas orduidheadh an eagluis dias nō triūr do dhaoinibh
[The ministers and elders at such time as there wants a minister, assemble the whole congregation, exhorting them to advise and consider who may best serve in that room and office. And if there be choice, the church appoints two or three, upon some certain day, to be examined by the ministers and elders. First, as touching their doctrine, whether he that should be minister have good and sound knowledge in the holy scriptures, and fit and apt gifts to communicate the same to the edification of the people. For the trial whereof, they propose [to] him a theme or text to be treated privately, whereby his ability may the more manifestly appear unto them.]
An dara ní, gabhaid sgēla a bheatha agas a bhuan- ámhaille ’nar chaith sé a ndeachaidh thairis dá aimsir gan guth gan toibhēim gan mī-chlū d’fhaghāil, agas dá rabh sé dearbhtha in-mholta mar sin isna neithibh adubhramar romhaind, tugaid lucht a thogha cairrde go ceand aimsire [aimsiré] dhó nō go ma dearbhtha [má dearbhthá] deimhin lé cách a bheith deigh- bhēsach dhó.
[Secondly, they inquire of his life and conversation, if he has in times past lived without slander [scandal], and governed himself in such sort, as the word of God has not heard evil, or been slandered through his occasion. Which being severally done, they signify unto the congregation, whose gifts they find most excellent and profitable for that ministry: appointing by a general consent, eight days at the least, that every man may diligently inquire of his life and manners.]
Agas ’na dhiaidh sin iarradh an ministir ar an phobal iad [íad] féin do lēigean a n-ísle agas a n-umhla do Dhia [Dhiá] ré trosgadh agas ré h-urrnuidhe, agas a [á] iarraidh ar Dia [Diá] an / togha sin do dhul a dtarbha agas a dtābhacht don eagluis [don Neagluis] . Agas dā bfaghthar én-locht ré chur ’na adhaidh ō ladh nó ó dhligh- eadh maith, lēicthear siubhal dó agas cuirthear neach oile [oilé] go h-imchubhaidh ’na ionadh. Agas mar faghthar locht ar bioth ré chur ’na adhaidh beirthear do chum na searmōna maidne é a bfiadhnaise na h-eagluise [Heagluisé] , agas beanadh cuid éigin don t-searmōin-sin ré togha an mhinistir féin.
[At the which time also, the minister exhorts them to humble themselves to God by fasting and prayer, that both their election may be agreeable to his will, and also profitable to the church. And if in the mean season anything be brought against him whereby he may be found unworthy by lawful probations, then is he dismissed and some other presented. If nothing be alleged upon some certain day, one of the ministers, at the morning sermon, presents him again to the church, framing his sermon, or some part thereof, to the setting forth of his duty.]
Agas ’na dhiaidh-sin tar ēis an mheadhóin laoi [mhéadhóin láoi] , i ndeir- eadh na searmōna, brosnuidheadh an ministir iad [íad] do chum na togha, ar tús ag eadar-ghuidhe Dé na n-uile [nuilé] chumhacht amhail do theagaisg an Sbiorad Naomh a chroidhe do dhēnamh urrnuidhe. Agas mar an gcēdna i ndiaidh na togha tugadh an ministir buidheachas do Dhia [Dhiá] , ag cuimhniughadh a [á] oifige do rēir mar toghthar é.
[Then at afternoon, the sermon ended, the minister exhorts them to the election, with the invocation of God's name,[e] directing his prayer as God shall move his heart. In like manner, after the election, the minister gives thanks to God,[f] with request of such things as shall be necessary for his office.]
Agas i ndiaidh na togha marsin moladh an pobal Dia [Diá] ré salm éigin sul sgaoilfeas siad ó cheile [ô cheilé] ./
[After that he is appointed minister, the people sing a psalm and depart.]
title | Do Mhinisdribh Eagluise De agas da Dtogha |
internal date | 1567.0 |
display date | 1567 |
publication date | 1970 |
level | |
reference template | Carswell %L |
parent text | Foirm na n-urrnuidheadh |